
Politics and Religion: One Liberal’s Perspective

“Politics and Religion” is an eight year collection of blog posts written about issues and news stories that came up between the years 2010 and 2018.

This is less about candidates and more about the political and religious issues that confront all Americans. This collection asks you to think about the issues and ponder how we can prevent our country from falling into a deep fascist and conservative black hole. Although some conservative ideas are decent, the ones I address in this book are not.

The second issue is the merging of politics and religion in our nation. Many have ignored the separation of church and state doctrine that we have followed in this country.

The divide in this country has gotten so bad with the vitriol that arises at times. Besides fighting the ideas, we must also fight the language and communication of how these ideas are delivered. These blog posts were written before I met the “woke” progressive people of the Houston, TX community. So the writings are from a moderate liberal perspective.

I invite you to read the book, ponder the ideas, and then engage in activism to conquer these evils no matter what side they are from. Inclusion is key to winning democracy for our country.
Read, ponder, activate, conquer.

How To Get Active In Activism

Have you ever wanted to be more involved in the political process? Who do you contact? Elected officials and civil rights groups are a good place to start. Here is a guidebook/journal to help you do just that. This journal gives you guidance on taking steps to be engaged in the political process and enact change in the world. Write your elected officials. Join groups to know what events are happening. Write letters, blogs, social media posts to spark political discussions. Learn what issues you are most passionate about and then start your own mission to fight for those issues.

Start A Non-Profit: For The Homeless

Have you ever noticed the homeless and wondered what you could do to help them on a regular basis? I know I did. But I didn’t know what to do. I just knew that I had to do something. I researched homeless services in my area and found out that there were hardly any services in the area. Most services were downtown or further into town. I talked to some homeless on the streets and found out that they rarely go downtown and so were left out of the system. So, I started a non-profit. I wanted to extend the services further out to my area.
This book gives the details of what I did in hopes to give you the impetus to start something too. It is a proven method that helps the homeless feel better about their situation and helps pull them out of homelessness. It’s not an easy method. It will take work and dedication and patience. But it is so rewarding and fulfilling.